Processing math: 66%
  • Empirical null
  • Gaussian derivatives and Hermite polynomials
  • Illustration
    • First orders of Gaussian derivatives and Hermite polynomials
    • Scaled and unscaled Gaussian derivatives
  • Fitting the empirical null
    • Assumption 1: the pairwise correlation ρij are on average moderate enough, such that the influence of Wkhk will vanish for sufficiently large k.
    • Assumption 2: we further assume that the number of observations n is sufficiently large, so that we can use the n observed z scores in place of the intractable all xR in the second constraint.
    • Convex optimization
  • Session Information
  • Session information

Last updated: 2018-05-15

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    html c803b43 LSun 2017-03-27 fitting and write-up
    Rmd 3adfbee LSun 2017-03-23 fit

Last updated: 2018-05-15

Code version: 388e65e

Empirical null

Correlation among summary statistics can distort hypothesis testing and signal estimation by making the observed statistics deviate from their theoretical distribution. See previous simulations (here, here, and here) for illustration.

Efron is his series of publications proposed an “empirical null” idea to tackle the correlation among z scores in the simultaneous inference setting. Essentially, he assumed that z scores from those null hypotheses among all hypotheses simultaneously considered should follow an “empirical null” distribution that’s different from their marginal N(0,1), but still a normal with estimated mean and standard deviation, thus to produce what Efron terms as the “correlation induced inflation.”

However, as Matthew first noted, this doesn’t seem to hold true in our RNA-seq gene expression study. After transforming the original count data to z scores using limma and edgeR (see here for the pipeline), these z scores will have a N(0,1) marginal distribution, but correlation makes their empirical distribution far from normal. Normality suggests that all observations should be inflated at the same time, yet oftentimes, the more moderate observations tend to be inflated, but not the more extreme ones. Indeed, if anything, the most extreme observations tend to be deflated. See previous simulations (here and here) for illustrations.

In his response to Efron’s paper, Schwartzman pointed out that “the core issue… is the behavior of a large collection of correlated normal variables.” Let z scores z1,,zn be N(0,1) variables with pairwise correlations ρij=cor(zi,zj), and ˆF(x)=1nni=11(zix), the right-sided empirical cdf of all z scores. Schwartzman showed that when the number of null hypothesis n, ˆF(x) approximates a random function F0(x) generated as


where Φ+(x)=1Φ(x) is the right-sided cdf of N(0,1) and φ(k1)(x) is the (k1)th order derivative of the pdf of N(0,1). Wk’s are independent random variables with mean 0 and variance var(Wk)=αk/k!, where

αk=2n(n1)i<jρkij=11ρkdG(ρ) is the kth moment of G(ρ), the empirical distribution of all the n(n1)/2 pairwise correlations ρij.

Differentiating F0(x) gives

f0(x)=φ(x)+k=1Wkφ(k)(x) which can be seen as approximating the density of the observed distribution of correlated z scores when the number of them n is large. Or in other words, f0(x) can be seen as to describe the histogram of those z scores.

Gaussian derivatives and Hermite polynomials

f0(x) involves Gaussian derivatives φ(k), and many properties of them have been thoroughly studied. For starters, they are closely related to the probabilists’ Hermite polynomials hk in that

φ(k)(x)=(1)khk(x)φ(x) where hk(x) is defined by its generating function

hk(x)=(1)kex22dkdxkex22=(xddx)k1 The relationship gives

f0(x)=φ(x)+k=1Wk(1)khk(x)φ(x)=φ(x)(1+k=1Wkhk(x))=k=0Wkhk(x)φ(x) The simplification comes from the observation that Wk’s are zero mean independent random variables, so all (1)k can be absorbed into Wk. Furthermore, let W01, and use the fact that h0(x)1, so f0(x) can be written in a more compact way.

Probabilists’ Hermite polynomials are orthogonal with respect to φ(x), the pdf of N(0,1). That is,

hk(x)hl(x)φ(x)dx={k!k=l0kl This orthogonality gives us

Wk=1k!f0(x)hk(x)dx With Wk’s defined and obtained this way,



First orders of Gaussian derivatives and Hermite polynomials

Scaled and unscaled Gaussian derivatives

The expectation of W2k vanishes in the order of k!, and the average h2k also scales in the order of k!, and we can define “scaled” version of these functions and quantities:


We can see that the scaled Gaussian derivatives (φ(k)s) and Hermite polynomials hsk(x) are basically in the same order of magnitude for increasing orders. Therefore, it might make more sense to think of certain quantities in terms of their scaled versions


Fitting the empirical null

Given z scores z1,,zn with known marginal distribution N(0,1) but unknown correlation, their (right-sided) empirical cdf ˆF(x) can be observed. Then these z scores can be seen as if they are independently and identically sampled from this observed empirical cdf.

Furthermore, when n is sufficiently large, this observed empirical cdf approximates a cdf F0(x) which has a density

f0(x)=φ(x)(1+k=1Wkhk(x)) Therefore, with observed z scores, we can fit f0 with estimated (realized) Wk. One way of doing that is by maxmimum likelihood. In particular, we maximize the approximated log-likelihood


by a constrained optimization problem

max The first constraint is self-satisfied for all w: \int_{-\infty}^\infty h_k(x)\varphi(x)dx = 0 for any k\geq1 since h_k and h_0 \equiv1 are orthogonal with respect to \varphi.

The second constraint and the objective are intractable in the present form because of the involvement of \infty. Therefore we need to make another two key assumptions as follows.

Assumption 1: the pairwise correlation \rho_{ij} are on average moderate enough, such that the influence of W_kh_k will vanish for sufficiently large k.

We assume that the pairwise correlation \rho_{ij} are on average moderate enough, such that the influence of W_kh_k will vanish for sufficiently large k. Note that it doesn’t hold true in general. Recall that

\text{var}(W_k) = \alpha_k / k! = \bar{\rho_{ij}^k} / k! \leq 1/k! \ , so it seems W_k^2 will vanish in factorial order, yet on the other hand,

\int_{-\infty}^\infty h_k^2(x)\varphi(x)dx = k!

so h_k^2 also scales in factorial order. Therefore, it’s not at all clear that the influence of W_kh_k will decay in the most general case. So the decay of higher orders largely rely on the decay of higher order empirical moments of pairwise correlation \alpha_k, which characterizes \rho_{ij}^k.

As a result, we here assume that \rho_{ij}’s are on average moderate, so \alpha_k decays faster, leading to faster decaying of W_k, probably as well as that of W_kh_k. Ignoring this assumption would cause problem at least theoretically, as detailed later.

With this assumption, we can stop at a large K; that is, f_0(x) = \varphi(x)\left(1 + \sum\limits_{k = 1}^K W_kh_k(x)\right). We also need to specify a method to choose K in a systematic way.

Assumption 2: we further assume that the number of observations n is sufficiently large, so that we can use the n observed z scores in place of the intractable all x\in\mathbb{R} in the second constraint.

We further assume that the number of observations n is sufficiently large, so that we can use the n observed z scores in place of the intractable all x\in\mathbb{R} in the second constraint.

That is, 1 + \sum\limits_{k = 1}^K w_kh_k(z_i) \geq0. Ignoring this assumption would also lead to numerical instability, as detailed later.

Convex optimization

With these assumptions, the problem is now a convex optimization.

\begin{array}{rl} \max\limits_{w_1, \ldots, w_K} & \sum\limits_{i = 1}^n\log\left(1 +\sum\limits_{k = 1}^K w_kh_k(z_i)\right)\\ \text{s.t.} & 1 + \sum\limits_{k = 1}^K w_kh_k(z_i) \geq0 \end{array} It can also be written as

\begin{array}{rl} \max\limits_{w} & \sum\log\left(1 +Hw\right)\\ \text{s.t.} & 1 +Hw \geq0 \end{array}

where H_{ik} = h_k(z_i).

Session Information

Session information

R version 3.4.3 (2017-11-30)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0 (64-bit)
Running under: macOS High Sierra 10.13.4

Matrix products: default
BLAS: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.4/Resources/lib/libRblas.0.dylib
LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.4/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib

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