Working with Matthew Stephens and Nicholas Polson, I’m exploring various ideas in statistical shrinkage, selection, and sparsity, especially in Bayesian framework.
The problem is whether we can find a \(\phi\), such that \(\hat\mu_B\), the optimal Bayesian estimator to a certain loss, is a solution to the regularized least squares with \(\phi\) as the penalty. This framework of matching Tweedie’s formula to a proximal operator can potentially be generalized to the exponential family likelihood, not just normal means. The specific formula should be changed accordingly.
\(l_0\)-regularized linear regression is NP-hard, yet under high SNR and high collinearity, the single best replacement (SBR) algorithm, developed in the signal processing community, is compared favorably to \(l_1\) methods like lasso, elastic net, \(l_q, q\in(0, 1)\) method like BayesBridge, and the gold standard spike-and-slab MCMC.
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