Last updated: 2017-04-30

Code version: e33f2ad


In normal means problem, suppose

\[ \begin{array}{c} z|\mu \sim N(\mu, s^2)\\ \mu \sim g \end{array} \]

Under Bayesian framework, we get an estimator \(\hat\mu_B\) from the posterior distribution \(\mu | z\), optimal to a pre-specified loss function.

The problem is whether we can find a \(\phi\), such that \(\hat\mu_B\), the optimal Bayesian estimator to a certain loss, is a solution to the regularized least squares with \(\phi\) as the penalty.

\[ \hat\mu_B = \arg\min_u\{\frac1{2s^2}(z - u)^2 + \phi(u)\} := \text{prox}_{s^2\phi}(z) \]

Posterior mean and regularized least squares

In particular, the best estimator in terms of the quadratic loss is \(E[\mu | z]\), the posterior mean. By Tweedie’s formula

\[ E[\mu | z] = z + s^2\nabla\log f(z) \] where \(f\) is the marginal probability density of \(z\), after integrating out \(\mu\). \(f\) is usually a convolution of prior and likelihood. In the normal means setting, \(f = N(0, s^2) * g\).

If we let \(\hat\mu_B\) be the posterior mean \(E[\mu | z]\), we are essentially matching Tweedie’s formula to a proximal operator, such that

\[ z + s^2\nabla\log f(z) = \text{prox}_{s^2\phi}(z) \] For clarity let \(u := \text{prox}_{s^2\phi}(z)\). Now we are using two key properties of a proximal operator.

\[ u = \text{prox}_{\lambda f}(z) \Rightarrow \begin{array}{l} u \in z - \lambda\partial f(u) \\ u = z - \lambda\nabla M_{\lambda f}(z) \end{array} \]

By the properties of the proximal operator we have

\[ z - u \in s^2\partial\phi(u) \] where \(\partial\phi\) is the (local) subgradient of \(\phi\). Putting together the previous two equations

\[ \begin{array}{c} -s^2\nabla\log f(z) \in s^2\partial\phi(u)\\ u = \text{prox}_{s^2\phi}(z) \end{array} \]

We can write it in another way, and use the property of the proximal operator one more time

\[ z \in (z - s^2\partial\phi(u)) - s^2\nabla\log f(z) \Rightarrow z \in \text{prox}_{s^2\log f}(z - s^2\partial\phi(u))) \] Combine this with

\[ u \in z - s^2\partial\phi(u) \] use the property of the proximal operator, and we get

\[ z = \text{prox}_{s^2\log f}(u) = u - s^2\nabla M_{s^2\log f}(u) \]

Now we have

\[ \begin{array}{l} z = u - s^2\nabla M_{s^2\log f}(u)\\ z \in u + s^2\partial\phi(u) \end{array} \]

Compare this two, we can write

\[ - \nabla M_{s^2\log f}(u) \in \partial\phi(u) \]

One such \(\phi\) can be written as

\[ \phi = -M_{s^2\log f} + c \]

We’ve obtained that

\[ z = \text{prox}_{s^2\log f}(u) \]


\[ \phi(u) = -M_{s^2\log f}(u) + c = -\{\log f(z) + \frac{1}{2s^2}(z - u)^2\} + c \] where \[ \begin{array}{rl} & z = \text{prox}_{s^2\log f}(u) \\ \Rightarrow & u = z + s^2\log f(z) = E[\mu | z] \end{array} \] and \(c\) is a constant to make sure that \(\phi(0) = 0\).

So in the normal means problem, or in other words, we have a normal likelihood with known noise level \(s^2\) and a prior \(g\) for the unknown mean \(\mu\), and we use the posterior mean as the estimate, we can obtain \(\phi\) in the following steps.

  1. Figure out the posterior mean \(E[\mu|z]\) for a given observation \(z\), for example, by Tweedie’s formula.

  2. For each \(u\), find a \(z\) such that \(E[\mu|z] = u\).

  3. \(\phi(u) = -\{\log f(z) + \frac{1}{2s^2}(z - u)^2\}\).

  4. To make sure \(\phi(0) = 0\), \(\phi(u) \leftarrow \phi(u) - \phi(0)\).


\[ E[\mu|z] = \arg\min_u \frac{1}{2s^2}(z - u)^2 + \phi(u) \]

This framework of matching Tweedie’s formula to a proximal operator can potentially be generalized to the exponential family likelihood, not just normal means. The specific formula should be changed accordingly.

Bernoulli-Gaussian (spike-and-slab)

The Bernoulli-Gaussian framework specifies the prior on \(\mu\) as

\[ \begin{array}{rl} & g(\mu) = \pi\delta_0 + (1 - \pi)N(\mu; 0, \sigma^2)\\ \Rightarrow & f(z) = \pi N(z; 0, s^2) + (1 - \pi)N(z; 0, \sigma^2 + s^2) \end{array} \] where \(\delta_0\) is a point mass at 0, and \(N(\mu; 0, \sigma^2)\) is the density of \(N(0, \sigma^2)\) at \(\mu\), calculated in R as dnorm(mu, 0, sigma).

Luckily for Bernoulli-Gaussian, the posterior distribution for \(\mu | z\) can be written out analytically.

\[ \begin{array}{c} \mu | z \sim p\delta_0 + (1 - p)N(\frac{z\sigma^2}{\sigma^2 + s^2}, \frac{\sigma^2s^2}{\sigma^2 + s^2})\\ p = \frac{\pi N(z; 0, s^2)}{\pi N(z; 0, s^2) + (1 - \pi)N(z; 0, \sigma^2 + s^2)} \end{array} \]

Posterior mean

Therefore, the posterior mean

\[ E[\mu | z] = (1 - p) \frac{z\sigma^2}{\sigma^2 + s^2} = \frac{z\sigma^2}{\sigma^2 + s^2 } \frac{(1 - \pi)N(z; 0, \sigma^2 + s^2)}{\pi N(z; 0, s^2) + (1 - \pi) N(z; 0, \sigma^2 + s^2)} \]

pm = function(z, s, sigma, pi) {
    p1 = pi * dnorm(z, 0, s)
    p2 = (1 - pi) * dnorm(z, 0, sqrt(s^2 + sigma^2))
    p1 = p1 / (p1 + p2)
    p2 = 1 - p1
    pm = z * sigma^2 / (sigma^2 + s^2) * p2

z = seq(-10, 10, 0.01)
s = 1
pi = 0.9
sigma = c(1, 2, 5, 10, 100)
pm1 = pm(z, s, sigma[1], pi)
pm2 = pm(z, s, sigma[2], pi)
pm3 = pm(z, s, sigma[3], pi)
pm4 = pm(z, s, sigma[4], pi)
pm5 = pm(z, s, sigma[5], pi)
plot(z, pm4, type = "n", xlab = "Observation y", ylab = expression(paste("Posterior Mean E[", beta,"|y]")),
     col = "blue", main = bquote(paste(hat(beta)^BG, ", Bernoulli-Gaussian with", ~theta == .(1-pi), ",", ~sigma[e] == .(s)))
lines(z, pm1, col = rainbow(5)[1])
lines(z, pm2, col = rainbow(5)[2])
lines(z, pm3, col = rainbow(5)[3])
lines(z, pm4, col = rainbow(5)[4])
lines(z, pm5, col = rainbow(5)[5])
abline(0, 1, lty = 3)
abline(h = 0, lty = 3)
legend("topleft", col = rainbow(5), lty = 1, c(expression(sigma[beta] == 1), expression(sigma[beta] == 2), expression(sigma[beta] == 5), expression(sigma[beta] == 10), expression(sigma[beta] == 100)), ncol = 2)

Note that the posterior mean is never strictly zero unless \(z = 0\), yet as \(\sigma\to\infty\), it behaves more and more like hard-thresholding.

Imposing sparsity

In spike-and-slab framework, the posterior distribution of \(\mu\) is

\[ \mu | z \sim p\delta_0 + (1 - p)N(\frac{z\sigma^2}{\sigma^2 + s^2}, \frac{\sigma^2s^2}{\sigma^2 + s^2}) \] Thus it’s also a mixture of a point mass at \(0\) and a normal. Using the posterior mean \(E[\mu|z]\) directly as the estimate \(\hat\mu_B\), the estimate is never strictly \(0\) unless \(z = 0\). Instead, in order to impose sparsity, we usually set \(\hat\mu_B = 0\) if \(p \geq 0.5\). Meanwhile, when \(p < 0.5\), we assume \(\mu | z\) is not from a point mass at \(0\) but from the other component of the mixture \(N(\frac{z\sigma^2}{\sigma^2 + s^2}, \frac{\sigma^2s^2}{\sigma^2 + s^2})\), hence set \(\hat\mu_B\) to its mean \(\frac{z\sigma^2}{\sigma^2 + s^2}\).

that is

\[ \begin{array}{rl} & \pi N(z; 0, s^2) \geq (1 - \pi)N(z; 0, \sigma^2 + s^2) \\ \Leftrightarrow & \frac{N(z; 0, \sigma^2 + s^2)}{N(z; 0, s^2)} \leq \frac{\pi}{1 - \pi}\\ \Leftrightarrow & |z| \leq \sqrt{2(\sigma^2 + s^2)(s^2 / \sigma^2)\log((\frac{\pi}{1 - \pi})\sqrt{(\sigma^2 + s^2)/ s^2})} := z_{s, \pi, \sigma}^* \end{array} \] Here we can use a simple rule

\[ \hat\mu_B = \begin{cases} 0 & |z| \leq z_{s, \pi, \sigma}^* \\ \frac{z\sigma^2}{\sigma^2 + s^2} & \text{otherwise} \end{cases} \]

as \(\sigma \to \infty\), it is very close to hard-thresholding.

s = 1
pi = 0.9
sigma = 100
zstar = sqrt(2 * (sigma^2 + s^2) * (s^2 / sigma^2) * log(pi / (1 - pi) * sqrt((sigma^2 + s^2) / s^2)))

pdf1 = dnorm(z, 0, s)
pdf2 = dnorm(z, 0, sqrt(sigma^2 + s^2))
plot(z, pdf1, type = "l", xlab = "observation", ylab = "Probability Density Function",
     main = bquote(paste(s == .(s),", ", pi == .(pi),", ", sigma == .(sigma)))
lines(z, pdf2, col = "red")
segments(zstar, -1, zstar, 2 * dnorm(zstar, 0, sqrt(sigma^2 + s^2)), lty = 1, col = "blue")
legend("topright", col = c("black", "red"), c(expression(N(0, s^2)), expression(N(0, sigma^2 + s^2))), lty = 1)
text(zstar, 2 * dnorm(zstar, 0, sqrt(sigma^2 + s^2)), label = expression(z^"*"), pos = 3)

x = seq(zstar, 6, 0.01)
y = x * sigma^2 / (sigma^2 + s^2)
plot(x, y, type = "n", xlim = c(-max(x), max(x)), ylim = c(-max(y), max(y)), xlab = "observation", ylab = expression(hat(mu)),
     main = bquote(paste(s == .(s),", ", pi == .(pi),", ", sigma == .(sigma))))
abline(h = 0, lty = 2, col = "yellow")
abline(0, 1, lty = 2, col = "green")
lines(x, y)
x = -seq(zstar, 6, 0.01)
y = x * sigma^2 / (sigma^2 + s^2)
lines(x, y)
segments(-zstar, 0, zstar, 0)
segments(-zstar, 0, -zstar, -zstar * sigma^2 / (sigma^2 + s^2), lty = 3)
segments(zstar, 0, zstar, zstar * sigma^2 / (sigma^2 + s^2), lty = 3)


plot(z, pm2, type = "n", xlab = "Observation z", ylab = "Posterior Mean",
     col = "blue", main = bquote(paste("Bernoulli-Gaussian shrinkage with", ~pi == .(pi), ",", ~s == .(s)))
abline(0, 1, lty = 2, col = "green")
abline(h = 0, lty = 2, col = "yellow")
lines(z, pm2, col = "blue")
lines(z, pm1, col = "black")
lines(z, pm3, col = "red")
x = seq(zstar, 6, 0.01)
y = x * sigma^2 / (sigma^2 + s^2)
col = "purple"
lines(x, y, col = col)
x = -seq(zstar, 6, 0.01)
y = x * sigma^2 / (sigma^2 + s^2)
lines(x, y, col = col)
segments(-zstar, 0, zstar, 0, col = col)
segments(-zstar, 0, -zstar, -zstar * sigma^2 / (sigma^2 + s^2), lty = 3, col = col)
segments(zstar, 0, zstar, zstar * sigma^2 / (sigma^2 + s^2), lty = 3, col = col)
legend("topleft", col = c("black", "blue", "red", col), lty = 1, c(expression(sigma == 1), expression(sigma == 10), expression(sigma == 100), expression(paste(sigma == 100, ", sparsity"))))

Bernoulli-Gaussian as regularized least squares

Under the model

\[ \begin{array}{c} z|\mu \sim N(\mu, s^2)\\ \mu \sim g = \pi\delta_0 + (1 - \pi)N(0, \sigma^2) \end{array} \]

The key question is to find \(\phi\) such that \(\hat\mu_B = \text{prox}_{s^2\phi}(z)\).

Posterior mean

\[ \hat\mu_B = E[\mu|z] = \frac{z\sigma^2}{\sigma^2 + s^2 } \frac{(1 - \pi)N(z; 0, \sigma^2 + s^2)}{\pi N(z; 0, s^2) + (1 - \pi) N(z; 0, \sigma^2 + s^2)} \]

Thus \(\phi\) can be generated in following steps.

  1. For each \(u\), find a \(z\) such that \(E[\mu|z] = u\), using aforementioned formula for \(E[\mu|z]\).

  2. Compute \(f(z) = \pi N(z; 0, s^2) + (1 - \pi)N(z; 0, \sigma^2 + s^2)\), and specifically, \(f(0) = \pi N(0; 0, s^2) + (1 - \pi)N(0; 0, \sigma^2 + s^2)\).

  3. \(\phi(u) = -\{\log f(z) + \frac{1}{2s^2}(z - u)^2\} + \log f(0)\)

phi = function (u, s, sigma, pi) {
  zhat = c()
  for (i in 1:length(u)) {
    pmu = function(z) {
      pmu = pm(z, s, sigma, pi) - u[i]
    zhat[i] = uniroot(pmu, c(-20, 20))$root
  fz = pi * dnorm(zhat, 0, s) + (1 - pi) * dnorm(zhat, 0, sqrt(s^2 + sigma^2))
  fz0 = pi * dnorm(0, 0, s) + (1 - pi) * dnorm(0, 0, sqrt(s^2 + sigma^2))
  phi_sigma = -log(fz) - (zhat - u)^2 / (2 * s^2) + log(fz0)

s = 1
pi = 0.9
u = seq(-6, 6, 0.01)
ymax = max(phi(u, s, sigma = 1, pi))
plot(u, phi(u, s, sigma = 1, pi), type = "n", ylim = c(0, ymax),
     xlab = expression(beta), ylab = expression(phi(beta)),
     main = bquote(paste("Penalty ", phi^BG, ", Bernoulli-Gaussian with", ~theta == .(1-pi), ",", ~sigma[e] == .(s)))
nsigma = c(1, 2, 5, 10, 100)
k = 1
for (sigma in nsigma) {
  lines(u, phi(u, s, sigma = sigma, pi), col = rainbow(length(nsigma))[k])
  k = k + 1
legend("top", col = rainbow(length(nsigma))[1:(k - 1)], lty = 1,
       legend = expression(
         sigma[beta] == 1,
         sigma[beta] == 2,
         sigma[beta] == 5,
         sigma[beta] == 10,
         sigma[beta] == 100
       ), ncol = 2

Imposing sparsity

As discussed before, in order to impose sparsity in \(\hat\mu_B\), we adopt the rule

\[ \hat\mu_B = \begin{cases} 0 & |z| \leq z_{s, \pi, \sigma}^* \\ \frac{z\sigma^2}{\sigma^2 + s^2} & \text{otherwise} \end{cases} \]

It’s easy to see that the penalty term corresponding to this rule should be a \(l_2\)-\(l_0\) regularization. In particular,

\[ \phi(u) = \frac{1}{2\sigma^2}u^2 + \lambda\|u\|_0 \] where \(\|u\|_0 = I(u \neq 0)\) is the indicator of \(u\) being nonzero. A little algebra shows that

\[ \lambda = \frac{{z^*}^2\sigma^2}{2s^2(\sigma^2 + s^2)} = \log\left(\frac{\pi}{1-\pi}\sqrt{\frac{\sigma^2 + s^2}{s^2}}\right) \] Written in another way

\[ \begin{array}{rl} & \arg\min_u\{\frac1{2s^2}(z - u)^2 + \phi(u)\}\\ = & \arg\min_u\{\frac1{2s^2}(z - u)^2 + \frac{1}{2\sigma^2}u^2 + \log\left(\frac{\pi}{1-\pi}\sqrt{\frac{\sigma^2 + s^2}{s^2}}\right)\|u\|_0\}\\ = & \begin{cases} 0 & |z| \leq z_{s, \pi, \sigma}^* \\ \frac{z\sigma^2}{\sigma^2 + s^2} & \text{otherwise} \end{cases} \end{array} \]

# zstar = function (s, pi, sigma) {zstar = sqrt(2 * (sigma^2 + s^2) * (s^2 / sigma^2) * log(pi / (1 - pi) * sqrt((sigma^2 + s^2) / s^2))); return(zstar)}
s = 1
pi = 0.9
# phi_s = function (u, s, pi, sigma) {phi_s = 1 / (2 * sigma^2) * u^2 + zstar(s, pi, sigma = 1) * (s^2 + sigma^2) / (2 * sigma^2 * s^2); return(phi_s)}

phi_s = function (u, s, pi, sigma) {phi_s = 1 / (2 * sigma^2) * u^2 + log(pi / (1 - pi) * sqrt((sigma^2 + s^2) / s^2)); return(phi_s)}
ymax = max(phi_s(u, s, pi, sigma = 1))
plot(u, phi_s(u, s, pi, sigma = 1), type = "n", ylim = c(0, ymax),
     xlab = expression(u), ylab = expression(phi(u)),
     main = bquote(paste(~pi == .(pi), ",", ~s == .(s)))
nsigma = c(1, 2, 5, 10, 100)
k = 1
for (sigma in nsigma) {
  lines(u, phi_s(u, s, pi, sigma = sigma), col = rainbow(length(nsigma))[k])
  points(0, phi_s(0, s, pi, sigma = sigma), col = rainbow(length(nsigma))[k])
  points(0, 0, col = rainbow(length(nsigma))[k], pch = 19)
  segments(0, 0, 0, phi_s(0, s, pi, sigma = sigma), lty = 3, col = rainbow(length(nsigma))[k])
  k = k + 1
legend("top", col = rainbow(length(nsigma))[1:(k - 1)], lty = 1,
       legend = expression(
         sigma == 1,
         sigma == 2,
         sigma == 5,
         sigma == 10,
         sigma == 100


u = seq(-6, 6, 0.01)
ymax = max(c(phi(u, s, sigma = 1, pi), phi_s(u, s, pi, sigma = 1)))
plot(u, phi(u, s, sigma = 1, pi), type = "n", ylim = c(0, ymax),
     xlab = expression(u), ylab = expression(phi(u)),
     main = bquote(paste(~pi == .(pi), ",", ~s == .(s)))
nsigma = c(1, 2, 5, 10, 100)
k = 1
for (sigma in nsigma) {
  lines(u, phi(u, s, sigma = sigma, pi), col = rainbow(length(nsigma))[k])
  lines(u, phi_s(u, s, pi, sigma = sigma), col = rainbow(length(nsigma))[k], lty = 2)
  points(0, phi_s(0, s, pi, sigma = sigma), col = rainbow(length(nsigma))[k])
  points(0, 0, col = rainbow(length(nsigma))[k], pch = 19)
  segments(0, 0, 0, phi_s(0, s, pi, sigma = sigma), lty = 3, col = rainbow(length(nsigma))[k])
  k = k + 1
       col = c(rainbow(length(nsigma))[1:(k - 1)], 6),
       lty = c(rep(1, length(nsigma)), 2),
       legend = c(expression(
         sigma == 1,
         sigma == 2,
         sigma == 5,
         sigma == 10,
         sigma == 100
       ), "sparsity")

Session Information

R version 3.3.3 (2017-03-06)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin13.4.0 (64-bit)
Running under: macOS Sierra 10.12.4

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